Thursday, January 26, 2012

Watercolor Sketching Techniques: Reviving My Sketchpad

Watercolor Sketching Techniques: Reviving My Sketchpad:
Reviving My Sketchpad” struck me as a great title for where I am at in life.  Today, I am 57 years old and have now gotten beyond most of the wonderful chaos challenges of raising kids and letting go…(most of the time). Talking with a friend recently, he asked what my interests are and that got me thinking…me have a personal interest? When did those thoughts disappear?  Marriages?  Babies?  Schools?   Then I began to see through the cobwebs of my mind to a time that I sketched, did watercolors and oil paintings.  I also recalled the piece of serenity the artwork blessed me with in moments of life’s confusing times.

Anyway, I came up with the sketching with watercolors thought because centuries ago, I majored in Art and had a desire to draw, sketch and watercolor all of my life.  I loved attempting to recapture something I had seen or was currently looking at.  I thought the idea of a fond memory on canvas or sketchpad was much more wonderful to have ‘hanging’ around. 

Over time, I have found myself, while traveling, looking at beautiful landscapes, trees, flowers, basically anything and think, “Wow, what an interesting scene to sketch or watercolor”.  I like the idea re-creating the beautiful colors I see in the sky through using watercolor sketching.  My head would lead me into fantasizing the pictures and brilliant ideas all from just seeing a sunset.  Then my mind would say, “Aww, you will get started and then never finish” or “You don’t have time!”  So I would ease into allowing my lifestyle of busy-ness shove my sketching and watercoloring desires aside.

Well, ya know what?  It’s now or never! Now, it is my opportunity to revive those dusty talents and begin learning the new watercolor sketching   techniques offered today.  There are several artistic sketching techniques that have my attention and, besides, I am ready to re-discover that ole’ ‘artist in waiting’ again. 

I am looking forward to getting familiar once more with the various opportunities through art offered by different mediums of choice.  I hope you will give me feed back, direction and challenges as we take this trek together!

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